Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Update 1

The hike is going well so far! My legs feel like jello and my feet are already bandaged up, but I am completely in love with this hike. The AT is certainly an amazing place. I have met many people from all walks of life including a young man that played his shakuhichu for everyone by the campfire (aka Rebel), a 65 year old man walking to Virgina with 60lbs on his back to visit his daughter (aka Tequila Joe), and a girl that thought she woukd be fine sleeping in shorts and no thermarest pad (we almost had a hypothermia scare).

Things I've learned so far:
1)If you leave your pack upright on the shelter table, it WILL fall over right into a fresh mud puddle
2)If your pack falls into a mud puddle, your camelback mouthpiece will too
3)Hikers midnight starting at 8pm is NO JOKE
4)My homemade stove is the bomb
5)I have been dubbed "Benz"
6)I have never known a mile to be so long.
7)Let me repeat, I have never known a mile to be so long. EVER.
8)Trail magic is REAL.
9)If you are a new hiker and trek over 11 miles on day two, you will have bandaged feet and limp with your back bent over almost parallel to the ground.
10)The AT is awesome!!!

I have tons of pictures to share, but unfortunately cannot post from my trail phone. Ill be sure to post when possible.

Ash :)

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